WBS United — Esperanza Team Dubai
WBS UnitedEsperanza Team Dubai
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WBS United
Esperanza Team Dubai
We came to the field with all odds against us. Some Esperanza players were already known by our WBS United players, who were also aware of the kind of game we would be facing, a tough one.
Some of our players decided to go to their honeymoons together, yes together. That’s the case of Ivan and Joschua who took their wives to Italy and of course needed to bring someone to play the violin while having their romantic time. They took Fran with them, at least because we are not sure if he would have supported the pressure at the goal.
With a shortage of three players, we knew that the already tough game was going to be even harder. However, a good performance of the whole team and especially Mateo, who scored the goal that gave us the win, and Victor who saved us several times at the goal. Made of it not an easier game, but at least one that went against the league predictions.
It was not an easy game, but we can say that this has been the best performance of the team in our three games. We defined Victor as the man of the match and will bring him a couple of beers after the next game on Thursday. If we win, we will drink them. If we don’t, we will drink them anyways ?.
Our player Andres Escobar, also offers in this report an apology to the player he hit in the last game, which caused him a red card, and a penalization of two games out ☹.
Finally, we want to thank the referee for the motivational talk he gave our player Kyle after the game. We hope he learned the lesson and can play a bit less dramatic ??.
Die glühende Hitze der letzten Tage hat sich wohl in den Köpfen der Spieler von WBS angestaut. Kämpferich, physisch und mental besonders stark. Mit dieser mentalen (Kopfball) schossen die Willy-Brandt School Männer das 1-0. Dennoch waren die Spieler der WBS teilweise zu übereifrig und übermotiviert, was auch zur Folge hatte, dass sie mit einem Spieler weniger das Spiel beendeten
Die Kamäle der Esperanza gaben alles, rennten an, und vergaben Chance um Chance. Auf der anderen Seite hielt Malsch überragend. Es sollte wiedermal nicht gelingen die Pille in das 5m breite Tor zu bringen. Hackerschmid, Hofmann, Grünewald & Abrainho vergaben große Chancen. Dennoch ist jeder Zeile über das Spiel zu viel. Ausreichend ist der Kommentar von Edelfan Adeline: „Es hat weh getan, zuzuschauen“.
Dennoch ist ein Bericht über Geburtstagskind Rainer viel wichtiger. Er wurde (22×2)+(2×11) Jahre alt. Seit Jahren ist Rainer eine Konstante im Team der Esperanza, immer dabei, immer gut gelaunt, spielerisch ohne wenn und aber erhaben. Danke dir Rainer!
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